
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Abortion :: essays research papers

Sara is driving down seventh avenue in her red pickup truck, in a precipitation and traveling well over the speed limit. Becky, who is 3 months pregnant, is waiting to marker the street on the corner of 7th avenue and Bell. The street free changes and Becky is signaled by the crosswalk sign to proceed across the street. Sara is putting in a new CD and not paying attention to the item that she has a red crystalize, without enough time to stop Sara runs the red light and hits Becky who has just started to cross the street. Now Becky is rushed to the hospital, she is hurt but impart live but her baby dies. Should Sara be charged with the finish of the unhatched baby? On the former(a) hand, Jessica, who is a 16-year-old girl, decides to sleep with an 18-year-old boy. She impersonates pregnant and has an miscarriage because she is not ready to be a mother. Should Jessica be charged with the death of an unborn baby? The answer to both of the questions is, yes. Abortion is wrong, cruel and almost of all, it goes against the word of GOD.When a woman decides to have sex she is taking the go on of getting pregnant, even if she uses protection. If she doesnt want to get pregnant she shouldnt have sex, and she should be responsible enough to suffer the consequences. For example, Carrie is very promiscuous and finds out that she is pregnant, so she goes and has an spontaneous abortion. Next time Carrie finds out that she has HIV, well she cant pay someone to get rid of her problem so she has to cut across with it. Why shouldnt she have to deal with the fact of being pregnant? There are many other options to killing an innocent human adoption or raising the pip-squeak with the help of parents. However, some girls are forced to have an abortion.No matter the causation someone has for an abortion, it is still cruel. Some women are forced to have an abortion either by their parents or their spouse. This circumstance is very hard to urge because the woman who is pregnant is not making the choice and should not be held accountable for it. And that is the only reason anyone might consider having an abortion. Look at it like this, Jeff and Bonnie are building a house, whats the first involvement they do?

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