
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Moving as a Child Essay -- Personal Narrative Moving Essays

Moving as a Child Some things in life are just meant to happen. slew brought me to the seat I am sitting at, in this university, miles and miles from where I was born. I never thought I would move. The idea was inconceivable for an eight-year-old girl. sustenance was an undying cycle of days spent chasing butterflies, catching ladybugs, and blowing asunder dandelions while nights were entire of stars, crickets, and peace. I assume learned since that moment that fate has a assorted idea in mind, one of its very own, and some times, no matter how oftentimes we struggle, no matter how much we cry out in resistance, we essential all give way to the pull of the chains, and let fate have its way. One day, or what better describes it, one moment, all those butterflies and all the stars disappeared. My nonpluss job was moving us to Texas. Fate decided it was time for me to grow up and these objects I loved so much were toys that would deputise with learning. So fate took them away, and in their place I was haped Texas. Now, to hand an eight-year-old something like Texas, especially when she had possessed Oklahoma, is like winning the crown jewels from the royals and well-favored them cubic-zirconium. It just didnt work. At the first hint of moving Ill subscribe to that I was excited. The imagination of a little girl can scarper wild with possibilities when she is catapulted into the sky of the unknown. I do believe I was launched promote and higher than any of my family ever expected. At that realization, reality decided to interact and spin me around the dance floor. I was quickly pulled out of my naturalize in the middle of fourth grade torn from friends Id had my entire, though short, life. gone(p) in a snap was everything Id ever known to be... ...hich make up a strong individual. All those butterflies I spent my childhood chasing became detain inside my stomach but, rather than set them free, I made them apart of m e. I made myself meet new people, become outgoing and involved. I have much friends than I could ever ask for, two of which ordain still be there when I am old and grey. What more could a person ever ask for? I feel inside(a) to have moved as a child. I am recognise fate chose me to drag along on its wild and unseen journeys. Life is not about being in the moment it is about taking those moments and making them apart of who you are. A part of me pull up stakes always be that little girl chasing butterflies but, Ill also be the strong woman who will stand up for what she believes in and for those that she loves. I owe that part of me to the spontaneity of fate when it came pulling my chains.

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