
Thursday, March 21, 2019

My Friends Mom Has Cancer :: Personal Narrative Smoking Essays

My Friends Mom Has Cancer It was a beautiful summertime daytime down in Phoenix and the first day of my junior twelvemonth of high school. All of my friends were waiting for me away on the w every last(predicate), which is right outside of BigBs. The bulwark on the side of BigB has a wall painting of the world with either color of peoples skin on it. I was in love with that mural by means ofout high school because it meant something to all of those who went to Alhambra. There are not any trees out there since it is Phoenix and the gravel always do my shoes look dull every Tuesday when I had to wear my JROTC uniform. I always hated going in there but the daddy was cheep and so was the water, which is always good on those hot summer days. Ashley, Michelle, and I get out of Michelles moms car. Michelles mom is like my second mom and has been that way as desire as I can remember. Joyce would drive us to school and on Tuesdays she would pick us up. The only thing go ing through my mind is who is going to be buying my mourning bands this year. Little did I agnize how much things were going to change for us. We walk over to our friends who thanks to me we all knew. Ashley leaves for class and Michelle and I decide who is paying for this pack. Neither one of us would buy one for ourselves. The year gets going I can already tell it is going to be a very long year I just got my first job and had no time for my friends. straight it was the middle of January and Michelle comes up to me while we are sitting on the wall and she looks very unhappy. Joyce had not driven us to school that today because of a doctors appointment but I had not popular opinion anything of it. I could tell she was unhappy although she had not said a word. Since it was a Tuesday and I was in uniform. I really was not supposed to be smoking but I was any way. I offered Michelle a smoke because I thought it would calm her down but she did not progeny it. That was when I knew that there was something definitely wrong with her.

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