
Monday, March 4, 2019

Academic Qualification Cannot Ensure Life Sucess

Do you have iph wiz or ipad? I believe that even you dont have matchless you also know Steve Jobs, the father or the symbol of Apple, the computer firm, he demonstrateed, lost, and then regained. Do you think he is a conquestful person? I do. Do you think your p arnt who raise you to be who you are today are successful person? I do. Actually, the definition of success differs from person to person and field to field. For some multitude it is having a chain reactor of money, for others it may be having the time freedom to play golf erstwhile a week, and for others it may be raising their children to be good people or having a large group of close friends.For every one of us, there is a different definition of what success is for others. However, for some(prenominal) people, academic efficacy is essential for life success . How many times did your parents mark you that derive sure you worked hard in high school so you could go to college and get a good career concern as the first step in the success stair? I hear it million times. You might not sure about it moreover you maxim a good portion of adult did. But whether school and college grades and interrogative results provide a way of predicting or ensuring future success.As I do a simple searching in Google, I found that there are about 200 million results for the term got score but no job. It means there are many people out there who struggle to find a job even they have academic qualification. Moreover, according to Australia bureau statistics, there was 7. 2% of unemployed people who have degree or certificate. The reality has been shown that academic qualification shadownot guarantee life success but other factors. sanction to the story of Steve Jobs, he dropped out of Reed College in Portland, Oregon by and by only one semester to earn money for food but subsequent on, he said If I had never dropped in on that unmarried course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces o r proportionally spaced fonts. It is similar to Bill Gates and Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, lets frame that they was waiting until they got college degree to start their career, maybe we couldnt never discern one of the biggest computer firm as Microsoft today.Therefore, academic qualification is not the key thing to ensure future success but personalities, characteristics, experiences, willingness to learn, EQ and opportunities. Chasing degree or academic qualification, in general , can make people distract from others important things that contribute to life success as network, relationship, experiences, etc. Moreover, many young people just randomly elect the courses similar to their friends, families advices, or something hot but ignore what they are unfeignedly like.Finally, college with assignment, exams would make people follow the old road, think inside rather outside the box or limit the creation which is together feature with inspiration, passionate are the key factors of success. In conclusion, academic qualification can be a ticket for you to enter the life with knowledge and shelf-confidence, but there is no guarantee for life success with academic qualification only. So it is importance to define what is what it to be successful and then focalise our hearts and minds on achieving it.

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