
Monday, March 4, 2019

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Satire Terms Analysis Essay

Her face is smooth, calculated, and precision-made, akin an expensive baby-doll, skin like flesh-colored enamel, blend of white and cream and baby blue eyes, small nose, garden pink little nostrils-everything working together except the color on her lips and fingernails, and the coat of her bosom.A mistake was made somehow in manufacturing, putting those big, matronly breasts on what would of otherwise been a staring(a) work, and you can see how sultry she is about it. Incongruity Something strangely, shockingly, or ridiculously out of place abbreviation In this passage, after carry Ratched enters the room in a normal day on the ward, fountainhead Bromdens description of her as none such is juxtaposed by his actual intention to emphasize her big flaw.Chief Bromden begins this paragraph with the positive side of the nurse. He claims how perfect she looks with her smooth, calculated and precision-made face, analyze her to a baby-doll. Chief Bromden is trying to make her look like a goddess without any faultiness in her image. While all these pretty dictions such as the baby blue eyes and the small nose befuddle been used, he begins to point out her defects by inserting the word except and accenting miniscule details of her the color of her lips, her fingernails and the size of her bosom. This is very incongruous to her general appearance of being a perfect human being.Moreover, he says that Nurse Ratched is a mistake in manufacturing, suggesting her machine-like quality and comparing Nurse Ratched to inanimate product made in a factory. Her womanly breasts with all the defects mentioned preceding(prenominal) reflect another idea. Chief Bromden suggests that breasts, which symbolizes womanhood, as the deformity implying her unfitness to control over the patients in the ward despite all the other perfect qualities that she has.Throughout the book, Kesey uses this character of Nurse Ratched to suggest how even a perfectly-looking someone or in ex treme, a dictator is the same human being as the oppressed with humanly defects and how the strong individual idea guide him or her to have an authority over the majority of the people. Thus, the author intelligibly establishes the importance of individuality and nonconformity to suggest how the American government well-tried to get the people to conform under the unrest especially delinquent to the protest against the involvement in the war.

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