
Monday, March 4, 2019


The sunflower Over the summer we read the book The sunflower, a spirit level written by Simon Waistlines. The accounting consists of a man named Simon having to make a survival of to forgive some(a) oneness that has brought him slap-up pain. Simon Is faced with Nazi asking for forbearance for all the people he has kil lead over the years. Simon makes a choice but later regrets It. The book The Sunflower starts with Simon Waistlines being puke Into a concentration camp during the Holocaust.He lives his life as a prisoner day by day until one day he is interpreted with a group to clean trash at a hospital. plot of land walking by dint of the town to the hospital he sees a burial ground for Nazi soldiers. He noticed that each grave had a mavin sunflower planted on top of it. When Simon reaches the hospital he is called privileged by TA restrain who brings him too patients room. The room he was brought to was the one of a dying Nazi named Karl. Simon was stuck in Karts room listening to his story about what he has done to Jews, the people he has killed and his mother.When Karl is done revealing his story, he begs Simon for forgiveness. Without answering Simon leaves. He couldnt decide whether it was a good judgment or not to forgive the Nazi. The day later, Simon is brought back to the hospital. The nurse over again brings him inside and instead of going to the patients room she gives him Karts possessions. Karl had passes away the night before. sensation day after Simon is freed from the camp, he goes to visit Karts mothers house. He thinks it will serve up him decide whether or not he make the objurgate finish of not forgiving Karl. aft(prenominal) he speaks to her, he still cant decide whether he do the right decision. At the end of the story he asked the contributor what they would get to done the same thing. I belowstand why Simon make that decision he did. I wouldve done the same thing. In choler a lot of decisions are make. Simon wa s Just very waste with Karl because he killed his own people. Asking for forgiveness from something Like that Is a big thing. If I were Simon I wouldve done the same exact thing. I would have been angry with the man who killed a lot of my family friends and to ask for forgiveness after too.I would have never forgiven that man. Push By Holloway 4 forgive someone that has brought him great pain. Simon is faced with Nazi asking for later regrets it. The book The Sunflower starts with Simon Waistlines being put into a until one day he is taken with a group to clean trash at a hospital. mend walking hospital he is called inside by TA nurse who brings him to a patients room. The room speaks to her, he still cant decide whether he made the right decision. At the end of because he killed his own people. Asking for forgiveness from something give care that is aApushCHAPTER 11 * The tie mingled with Aaron Burr and Jefferson meant that Jefferson had to be elected by the house of reps. * Je fferson and his depository kept pecuniary policies corresponding funding, assumption, and the Bank of the U. S. in place. * The Jeffersonian Republicans showed their hostility by trying to censure Justice Samuel Chase. * Marbury vs. Madison established judicial review the right of the self-governing solicit to declare legislation unconstitutional. * Jefferson cut the army to 2500 men because he thought a wide-ranging army was a threat to independence and economy. Jeffersons deepest doubt about the Louisiana Purchase was that the purchase big businessman be unconstitutional. * Lewis and Clark expedition demonstrated the viability of an overland the Statesn route to the Pacific. * After 1805, American shipping was severely hurt by commerce restrictions oblige by both the British and French. * After the Chesapeake Affair Jefferson could have soundly declared contend on Britain with the enthusiastic backing from both the Federalists and Republicans. (what is Chesapeake p articipation? ) * Jeffersons embargo badly hurt Federalist in the buff England as well as grey and western farmers. raw(a) Englanders overcame the magnetic cores of the embargo by trading illicitly with Canada and developing more domestic manufacturing. * The most new development in the critical preference of 1800 was the tranquillityful transition of precedent form one policy-making caller to its opponent. * oneness issueist policy that Jefferson cursorily over inverted was the excise tax. * Jefferson was forced to reverse his strong opposition to essential host forces b/c of the plunder and blackmailing of American shipping by northern African states. Although greatly weakened after Jeffersons pick, the Federalist partys philosophy continued to have great influence by the federalist judicial rulings of John marshal * The tern midnight judges refers to Federalist judges appointed by Pres. John Adams at the last moments of his administration. * The republicans fai lure to impeach Supreme Court justice Samuel Chase established the principle that impeachment should be used exclusively for high crimes and misdemeanors and not as a policy-making weapon. * Jefferson focused his array construction policy primarily on building several 100 small gun boats. Embargo Act prohibited all external trade. * The crucial distant goal for many war hawks in the war of 1812 was the capture and annexation of Canada. * Tecumseh and the prophet created a pan Indian soldiers alliance against innocence expansion and also urged Native Americans to resist white ways and revive their traditional culture. * Native American resistance tocopherol of the Mississippi river was effectively crushed in the two battles of Tippecanoe and Horseshoe Bend. CHAPTER 12 * Napoleons decision to repeal his blockage decrees in response to Macons Bill No. 2 demonstrated how Madison was manipulated by napoleon. The large western delegations in Congress were very concerned about for eign policy issues such as Canada and mari term rights. * A good throne of western hostility to Britain arose b/c the war hawks believed that the British were supply the Native Americans. * New Englanders did not want to acquire Canada at all. * flat though the New England shippers were most affected by overseas trade they did not want to confront Britain on issues for impressment and maritime rights. * American naval forces under Perry and Macdonough thwarted British-Canadian invasion threats to Detroit and upstate New York. carcasss and Calhouns plans for an extensive arrangement of federally funded roads and canals were impede by Republican presidents who had constitutional objections. * The Era of Good Feelings under president Monroe was broken by the Panic of 1819 and the battle over slavery in molybdenum. * B/c of its wildcat affirming practices and land speculation, the west was hit curiously hard in the scare of 1819. * Missouri compromise Missouri a slave state, Maine a free state and no more slavery would be permitted in the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the south-centralern boundary of Missouri. John Marshalls Supreme Court rulings generally defended the power of the federal government against the power of the states. * The greatest American military successes of the war of 1812 came in the naval battles on the Great Lakes and elsewhere. * Two prominent American military heroes who emerged from the War of 1812 were Oliver Hazard Perry and Andrew capital of Mississippi. * The American victory in the Battle of New Orleans proved essentially meaningless b/c the peace treaty had been signed several weeks before. * The terms of the treaty of Ghent nding the War of 1812 provided that the two sides would stop fighting and return to the status quo before the war. * angiotensin-converting enzyme significant consequence of the War of 1812 was an increase in domestic manufacturing and stinting independence. * A significant inter study c onsequence of the war of 1812 was a harvest-festival of Canadian patriotism and nationalism. * The new nationalistic feeling right after the war of 1812 was evident in the development of a distinctive national literature, an increased emphasis on economic independence, and a new presumption in the American army and navy. * MuCulloch vs.Maryland Justice John Marshall said that the federal bank of the U. S. was constitutional and no state had the right to tax it. * Daniel Webster joined John Marshall in expanding the power of the federal government at the expense of the states. * Andrew capital of Mississippis invasion of Florida led to permanent acquisition of the territory after Secretary of State Adams gain pressured Spain to cede the area to the U. S. * The original impetus for declaring the Monroe doctrine came from a British proposal that American join Britain in guaranteeing the independence of the Latin American republics. The Monroe Doctrine asserted that the U. S. would n ot tolerate further European preventative or colonization in the Americas. * The immediate effect of the Monroe Doctrine at the time it was issued was very little. CHAPTER 13 * The New Democracy was found on the ending of property qualifications for the ballot in most states. * The voters failed to give an electoral majority to any candidate in 1824, so the house of reps. had to aim the president form among the top three candidates. * President Adams attempted to proceed strong nationalistic principles in a time of rowing sectionalism. The south and its leading spokesman, Calhoun, favored the tariff of 1816 but opposed the stronger tariff of 1828. * The election campaigns of 1828 were more about personalities and mudslinging than on the issues of tariffs and popular democracy. * The election of 1828 was in some ways a revolution of the common people of the West and southward against the older, entrenched governing classes of the East. * The capital of Mississippiians practiced t heir belief that the ordinary citizen was capable of retentiveness almost any public office w/o bad-tempered qualifications. * whiz consequence of the spoils system was the building of the powerful policy-making achienes based on favors and rewards distributed to political supporters. * In the Hayne-Webster debate, the southerner Hayne defended the doctrine of nullification by the states, spot Webster attacked it as contrary to a union make by the enchantment American people rather than by the states. * An essential cause of the New Democracy was the increased stake in politics felt by ordinary citizens after the panic of 1819 and the Missouri Compromise. * A new, more egalitarian method of nominating presidential candidates was the national nominating convention. * The Jacksonian charge of a blow bargain to gain J.Q. A. the presidency arose b/c body was named privyary of state after throwing his support to Adams. * The New Democracy arose partly b/c economic distress and the issue of slavery in Missouri stimulated a heightened public awareness of politics. * One political psychiatric hospital that illustrated the new popular voice in politics was the rise of national party conventions to nominate presidential candidates. * Adam being stubborn and prickly, his support for national roads, a notional university, and an astronomical observatory, and his anti-western land and Indian policies made his presidency a political failure. In the battle over the tariff of Abominations, New England backed high tariffs while south demanded lower duties. * under the surface of the Souths strong opposition to the tariff of Abominations was a fear of growing federal power that might interfere in slavery. * John C. Calhouns theory of nullification was based on the stem that states should be able to declare invalid those laws they deemed unconstitutional. * The concept of a political revolution of 1828 rests on the increased involvement of ordinary voters in the p olitical process. One of the central beliefs of the new Jacksonian democracy was that office holding should be open to as many ordinary citizens as possible. * One consequence of the spoil system was an increase in incompetence and corruptness in government. * The Peggy Eaton affair contributed to the bitter, personal political conflict between Andrew Jackson and Calhoun. * Jacksons Maysville Road oppose signaled his opposition to Henry the Great Compromisers American System. * In his debate with Hayne, Daniel Webster argued that the federal government had formed by the people and the states had no right to nullify federal law.CHAPTER 14 * Jackson ended South Carolinas threat of nullification and climb-down by political pressure, compromise, and the threat of military action. * No states backed up South Carolina and their act of nullification against the federal government. * Jackson used his veto of the bill to recharter the bank of the U. S. to mobilize the common people of t he west against the financial elite of the east. * The anti-Masonic third party of 1832 appealed strongly to American suspicion of secret societies and to anti-Jackson evangelical Protestants. * Jackson finally destroyed the Band of the U. S. y wretched federal deposits to state banks the independent treasury was not established until 1840. * Jackson defied the Supreme Court and ordered eastern Indians removed to Oklahoma. * American settlers in Texas clashed with the Mexican government over issues of slavery, immigration, and legal rights. * The Whig party eventually blend into a strong anti-Jackson party with a generally nationalistic outlook. * caravan Buren suffered the bad effects of the anti-bank battle, especially in the panic of 1819. * The Whigs pretended that Harrison was from a poor background to form the basis appeal. Van Buren last the election of 1840 partly b/c voters connected him with the hard times caused by the panic of 1837. * The Whigs favored harmony and ac tivism. The Democrats favored liberty and equality. * The two-party system placed a premium on political compromise in spite of appearance each party and thus tended to reduce the ideological conflict between the parties. * The nullification crisis in South Carolina ended when Henry Clay pushed through a compromise tariff that enabled South Carolina to save face. * Jacksons veto if the bank recharter bill represented a bold presumption of presidential power on behalf of western farmers and other debtors. Among the new political development that appeared in the election of 1832 were third-party campaigning, national conventions, and party platforms. * Jacksons Specie Circular declared that all public lands would have to be purchased with hard or metallic money. * One of Andrew Jacksons weapons in his was against Nicholas Biddles Bank of the U. S. was removing federal deposits from the bank and transferring them to pet state banks. * One important result of President Jacksons destru ction of the bank of the U. S. was the lack of a stable banking system to finance the era of rapid industrialization. In theory, the U. S. government treated the Indians east if the Mississippi River as self-governing nations with whom the government negotiated and signed binding treaties. * Some eastern Indian peoples like the Cherokees were notable for their development of effectiveness agricultural, educational, and political institutions. * In promoting his policy of Indian removal, Jackson defied rulings of the U. S. Supreme Court that favored Cherokees. * The end result of Jacksons Indian policies the forcible removal of the most southeastern Indians to Oklahoma. * A particular source of friction b/w the govt. f Mexico and the immigrant settlers in Texas was the settlers importation of slaves. * In the aftermath of the successful Texas Revolution, Texas petitioned to join the U. S. but was refused admission. * The panic of 1837 and subsequent depression were caused by oversp ecutlation and Jacksons financial policies. * Whig Party Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. Tended to favor a strong federal role in economic and moral issues. CHAPTER 15 * American frontier life was often plagued by poverty and illness. * The inflow of Irish immigrants contributed to the rise of nativism and anti-Catholicism. Most early American manufacturing was concentrated in New England. * The principle of general incorporation permitted unmarried business people to apply for limited-liability corporate charters from the state legislatures. * The early industrial revolution involved jobs with long hours and low wages. * Early tire out unions made very slow progress partly b/c the come up weapon was illegal and ineffective. * The steel plow and mechanical reaper helped turn American farmers from subsistence farming to commercial, mart-oriented agriculture. * By 1840, canals were cheaper and more effective than highways. The Erie Canals great economic effect was to create strong east-west commercial and industrial links b/w the northeastern and the West (Midwest). * The railroad met a lot early opposition, especially from canal interest. * In the sectional division of labor that developed before the civil war, the south generally provided raw materials to the Northeast in exchange for manufactured goods, loony toons, and commercial services. * Most women remained outside the market economy, in the home. * American industrial cities were the sites of a slow but crocked rise in wage rates for most workers. By the time of the civil war, telegraph lines had been stretched across both the Atlantic Ocean and the North American continent. * The experience of frontier life was especially difficult for women. * As late as 1850, over one-half of the American population was under the age of thirty. * The primary economic activity in the Rocky heap West before the civil war was fur-trapping. * Americans came to look on their striking western wilderness areas espe cially as one of their distinctive, defining attributes as a new nation. The American painter who developed the idea for a national park system was George Catlin. * Two major sources of European immigration to America in the 1840s and the 1850s were Germany and Ireland. * One Consequence of the influx of new immigrants was an upsurge of anti-Catholicism. * Industrialization was at first slow to develop in America b/c there was a dearth of labor, capital, and consumers. * The first industry to be shaped by the new grind system of manufacturing goods was textiles. * Wages went up for most American workers in the nineteenth century except for women and children. A major change affecting the American family in the early 19th century was a decline in the average number of children per household. * The first major improvements in the American transportation system were steamboats and highways. * The new regional division of labor created by ameliorate transportation meant that the sou th=cotton, the west=grain and livestock, and the east= manufacturing. * One effect if industrialization was a rise in the gap between enough and poor. * A major new technological development that linked America more closely to Europe was the transatlantic cable.

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