
Thursday, March 14, 2019

cliques :: essays research papers

The purpose of my speech is to persuade that schools do non do enough to prevent harassment of other students.I.In the movies you always catch the big jock shoving the little dorky kid into a locker or pushing his head into a toilet. This doesnt retributory happen in the movies, it can be a reality.A.From recent statistics shown, 1 divulge of 4 kids have been or ar being bullied, save 1 out of 5 kids have said they have been a bully to someone. 1.Its hard to believe but 100,000 students carry a gun to school. I phone thats so disappointing for todays callowness that they have to carry a gun to feel safe.2.Its not always students getting bullied teachers are also assaulted, robbed, and etc.B.People who are bullies know right away who to pick on.1.They are usually kids with not many friends also known as loners.2. some(prenominal) people who are handicapped, mentally or physically are chosen to be harassed.C. immature girls belonging to cliques can be very cruel if your appe arance isnt as stylish or trendy as they see fit. The girls go out use insults, gossiping, rejection, or even spreading rumors.1.The self-esteem of the victims declines decreasingly low, making them think they are inferior.II.Ronald Stephens, from the National School Safety Center says, A helping of administrators dont want a paper trail, its a fear of litigation and a reluctance to look bad.A.Some schools just ignore the fact that bullying is going on in the school. B.Many parents have taken legal action because of the administrators who have done zipper about their harassment issues. III.In Export Pennsylvania, Christina, a 7th grader was sit the bus home from school when ii girls tried to light her copper on fire.A.The school officials were contacted by Christinas mother who reported the attack, yet the girls continued to harass Christina and her classmate Jessica.1. They would shove and hit the girls in the halls, tour the school still refused to do anything about the sit uation.2.The advice Christina and Jessica got from their Vice Principal was to keep an eye on a low profile until the bullies moved on to someone new.3.I think the Vice Principal has underestimated the magnititude of the situation.B.It didnt stop there though. The two girls had to be sent home because the school said they couldnt warrant their safety.1.The school board eventually got the girls a school aide to come across them to their classes.

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