
Friday, March 15, 2019

Medical Testing On Animals :: essays research papers

Animals induct been utilize in medical enquiry for centuries. Most of the puppets used for enquiry are rodents - rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. Some dogs, cats and a variety of goats, ferrets, pigeons, mon anchors and rabbits are also used .The struggle against this tyranny is a struggle as substantial as any of the moral and social issues that have been fought over in late(a) years. Animal rights are an emotional issue-second only, perhaps, to the bitter abortion debate." For decades the value of beast explore has been grossly overrated. Although researchers have depended on physical test data to achieve medical advances, at that place should be other means of research because testing on animals is cruel, inhumane, and often unnecessary. The Ameri can Medical Association believes that research involving animals is absolutely essential to maintaining and improving the health human beings. They point out, that or so every advance in medical science in the twentieth century, from antibiotics to organ transplants, has been achieved either directly or indirectly through the use of animals in laboratory experiments. They also emphasize that animal research holds the key for solutions to AIDS, cancer, heart disease, aging and congenital defects. Lastly they insist that, the result of these experiments has been the settlement or control of many infectious diseases. This has meant a longer, healthier, better life history with much less pain and suffering for humans. For many patients, it has meant life it self.However, there should be other means of research because the whole process of animal research remains cruel and inhumane. Animal rights activists have gathered a large amount of information that has closured down many laboratories that flub anti-cruelty statutes. In the past, research labs have had to be subsequently suspended callable to animal cruelty. Reports involving horrifyingly painful experiments on monkeys and the filthy laborator ies the animals must fail in. Animals limited to living in tiny metal cages in which they can barely move. From the capture of primates in the wild, to the "factory-like" breeding of mice and dogs, to the confinement and isolation of cages - research is inherently cruel.Animal research is often unnecessary, history has shown that many important medical advances have been made by clinical research and close observations of human patients, not animals. There are countries that dont use healthy animals to drive veterinarians or teach surgical techniques. In England they use only ptyalize or injured animals and do most of their work on animal cadavers.

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