
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Physiological Theories

Peoples requirements vary from mortal to person. It is the way a person call backs and tours, their personality that makes them unique. There are some(prenominal) theories concerning the type of energy that initiates behavior, what ca intakes people to regain and act in reliable ways. Different psychological theories pay back been developed concerning why people act the way they do. A biologic theory, states that peoples motivations are to begin with based hit of their biologic makeup (Britannica Encyclopedia, 2008).For example, if someone was depressed, or upset, it would most correspondingly be blamed on a chemic imbalance in the brain, and could be righted with medication. Anformer(a) theory developed concerning peoples motivations is called psychosocial theories. Psychosocial theories refer to ones psychological development, and in that location fundamental interaction in a social environment. Basically psychosocial theories determine that peoples personaliti es are based in the beginning off of their interactions with others (Britannica Encyclopedia, 2008).The development of interactionism was archetypal linked to the work of the German theorist Max Weber. Interactionism, like psychosocialism, is mainly based on a persons social interaction with others. Interactionism is linked to the concept of the Ameri canful dream, pertaining to the individual having the ply to change society, and hence history from below, rather than being manipulated from above. Interactionism basically, is the study of how individuals act within society.Motivation can easily be defined as that which gives purpose and direction to behavior. Ellas motivation can be accounted for by a biological theory of motivation, means that Ellis motivation is primarily directed by biological factors. Ella is primarily influenced by her biological makeup, which would include any balances or imbalances in dopamine, serotonin, or other chemicals released in the brain that af fect mood and behavior. I find it interest to note that in some cases, defense attorneys are asking judge to omit criminals, suggesting that their clients cede a genetic predisposition for violent or impulsive behavior (Weiss, 2008).I would speculate that Ellass source of motivation would be chemicals, or medications, probably depositing heavily on prescription medicines to accommodate her various psychological needs. In my own opinion, Ellas source of motivation would be prescription drugs, caffeine, or other commodities that she thinks leave behind help her focus more intently on her goals. Ellas motivation would differ from that of Marcelos or Masokos. Ellas motivation is primarily driven by biological factors, as Marcelos and Masokos are driven by social interactions with others. The effort that Ella would put onwards when trying to obtain a promotion would be that of changing biological factors of herself to better accustom herself to the necessities of her occupation.I fe el that, instead of changing biological factors approximately themselves, Marcelos and Masokos approach would be that of social interaction. I think that due to Marcelo and Masokos passings in belief concerning motivational behavior, Ella depart rely on exterior means to motivate herself for her promotion, Marcel and Masoko are primarily focused on getting to know others in their field, networking with individuals in establish to obtain the information necessary for the promotion. I think that it is un pictorial to have a biological approach concerning motivation, in many instances mood holdfast drugs taken on a effortless basis can ofttimes do more harm than upright to the individual. Although I do tally that in some instances, chemical imbalances can take place that need to be corrected, I do not believe that it is always the correct solution.Marcelos source of motivation would be primarily driven by social interaction with others. Due to his acceptance of a psychosocial t heory for motivation, Marcelo bequeath be more likely to source his information off of that obtained from others in his occupation. Marcelos approach would differ from Ellas approach primarily do to the social factors involved. Ella will rely primarily on biological aspects to do her goal and obtain the promotion desired, while Marcelo will primarily use the eight developmental stages developed by Eric Erickson when trying to accomplish his goals.Eric Erickson provide eight stages that take place from infancy to adulthood, centering on the first and most important stage, which is the individual questioning the trustworthiness of his reality, or environment. I think that would be a first step for Marcelo when making friends, will be to develop a relationship of trust with them. A difference in Marcelos approach to accomplishing his goals, and that of Masokos approach, is that Masoko will tend to be more self reliant, as Marcelo will be more socially reliant.Masokos source of moti vation will be focused primarily from within rather than without. Although Masokos interactionist approach will rely on information gained from social gatherings, he will also rely on strength within himself. Interaction theories have grown in the last mentioned half of the 20th century, having its roots here in America. Max Weber, a German theorist, promoted that nothing in society is determined, and that people can join free of being labeled (Encarta Encyclopedia, 2008). When comparing Masokos approach to that of Ellas, Ella will be more apt to rely on medications, and other chemical therapies, as Masoko will rely on social interaction with others, and will- power from within. Another difference in Masokos approach to sourcing his motivation will be his own self-reliance, rather than just relying on social interaction with others, like Marcelo.Although Ella, Macelo, and Masokos approach to obtaining the motivation needed for the upcoming promotion are all valid and interesting t heories, I think the right serve up is uniting a bit of each theory. I dont think that motivation should be sourced from any one theory, but rather a serial publication of theories used at appropriate moments in time. I think that if they would have used principles of each theory in put in to source at that place motivation, they would be far more successful. When building an individual who has a realistic combination of motivating theories, surface-to-air missile, I would say that biological factors that should be include would be developing a diet in which a daily multi vitamin is taken and a healthy diet is enforced.Sam should also utilize the sociological principles of the psychosocial theory of motivation. Sam should gain a lot of his insight from interacting with others. Lastly, Sam should take the self reliant aspects of the interactionist theory of motivation. Sam, being confident in his own abilities, healthy, and socially interactive, will be able to effectively make p ass his ideas to his peers, and make a positive impression on his employer in order to obtain the desired promotion. I think that the motivational theories will interact with each other in a positive way. I think that the important thing is balance, having too much of anything is never a good thing. The positive aspects of each theory should be integrated, health and fitness from the biological aspect, social interaction from the psychosocial aspect, and lastly, self reliance from the interactions aspect.ReferencesWeiss, R (2008) DNA Tests poke out Deeper Examination of Accused the Washington Post retrieved on April 21, 2008 from http//www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/ denomination/2008/04/19/AR2008041902225.html?sub=new

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