
Friday, March 22, 2019

Spanish Civil war guide to writing essay :: essays research papers

rancid RIVER DARK MOUNTAINOur attention was suddenly caught by the activity near the shooters hut. A van had stopped and a group of work force were lifting out a lot of equipment.I thought that the men must be hither to open the cave, which had been closed for many years now. The men, with their equipment, headed for the cave. I knew that although they were experienced, it would be really hard to get into the entire cave, as it was through very refined holes and gaps. The Major, myself and a few other people walked behind the men, slowly. While walking, I thought of Marthe, being taken out of the cave after so many years. I saw Marthe in my head as if it was not many years ago. We finally reached the cave and everyone there gathered travel to watch.The men were ready to open the cave, my cave, or at least it utilize to be my cave. As they entered the cave, I remembered when I last saw and stave to Marthe. As I was thinking of her, I also thought of when I touched her hand in t he cave. Thinking of her so much preferably upset me.Suddenly I remembered Marthes secret. No one else knew, although they may have suspected, but Marthe was the spy and she used to help the foreign parachutists.I told the men that I had discovered the cave and that it would be easier if I showed them the dash as I had been before and I was also a develop pot-holer.I entered the cave with the men behind me. We walked along silently until we got to the lodge where I had last touched Marthe. We all stopped and the men looked waste to where Marthe was but no one could see very much. I vomit up a torch on and pointed it sight the gap to see the scoop out way to get down. After a few minutes, I explained to the men what we should do and they started to tie ropes and prepare themselves. As the men went down, one by one, I, again, thought of Marthe. Finally, it was my turn to lower myself down through the cave. I went down very slowly. When I reached the bottom, I looked around an d as I go the light of my torch, I could hear bats flying around.The men permeate out looking for any signs of Marthe.

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